Monday, April 30, 2007

My Space

Today I was on I was just looking around checking people out on my friends, friends lists. I was so surprised at some of the stuff on these pages and the way that people complain about this person or that person or how this one infringes on the way their life is going. What was worse was that they didn't seem to want to do anything but bitch about it. I try to talk things out and not criticize and yes I know that it isn't easy but for crying out loud, grow up, pick up after yourself and get over it. I do get frustrated about that stuff too but I have too much other stuff to do than worry about little stuff. OK I think I am done being "crazy" about this stuff. Sorry just thought I would vent a little. Haven't done that in awhile. Hope you all have a good day!
Okay, today is 05/13/2007. I edited this post and took something out because I felt I really didn't need it here. If you read the original post and were offended I apologize. I was a little angry and have since decided I didn't really need that in here. Thanks for reading my blog.

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