Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mid week

Well here it is Wednesday and I am so glad that it is hump day cuz that means the weekend is almost here and I can stitch some more. I have been so busy at work that I haven't been able to get much done. I have even been bringing some work home with me. The stuff I bring home is mostly the crap stuff, paying office bills checking on stuff and such but it has to get done. I am thinking about my next project though. I am always thinking about the next one. I am trying to get organized and I am not doing a very good job of it. I get started and then find "something new" and get side tracked. LOL. I have stuff all over and I hate to say it but it is starting to get to me. So I know it must be bad. I am slowly getting it taken care of but it isn't an easy job for me. Well I guess I had better go get something to eat. I am a bit hungry. I hope all are well and thanks for stopping by. I will update soon.

1 comment:

CindyMae said...

I love hump day, of course Friday is better but hump day just lets you know its coming!